When getting radiation therapy, it’s important to ensure the radiation reaches the right place, while avoiding exposure to vital organs such as the heart and healthy tissue.
Our advanced technology helps protect your healthy tissue and organs during radiation treatment.
AlignRT® is a precision technology that tracks your skin’s surface in real time using 3D cameras, to help ensure you are positioned correctly before and during treatment.
How Does
AlignRT® is a system of cameras, mounted to the ceiling, that sends information about your body’s position into a software program.
Each camera unit uses a projector and image sensors to create a 3D surface model of the area by projecting a red light (containing a speckle pattern) on your skin.
The speckled pattern allows AlignRT® to reference thousands of points on the skin, acting as virtual tattoos.
The system constantly monitors you and alerts your therapist if you move out of the desired position.
AlignRT® can be used on cancer sites from head to toe.
- Breast
- Prostate
- Head and Neck
- Lung
- Sarcomas
- Pediatric

Clinical Evidence For Left-Breast Cancer Treatment
A recent study2 showed that AlignRT® + DIBH prevented radiation-induced abnormalities in blood flow to the heart. Of the breast cancer patients treated, 0% showed abnormalities after six months.
This compares to a previous study without AlignRT® or DIBH, where 27% of patients showed abnormalities in blood flow to the heart 6 months after radiation therapy.
To support your conversation with your doctor about your personalized cancer treatment, please feel free to use our downloadable Left-breast treatment discussion guide.
SGRT (Surface Guided Radiation Therapy) use the patient's external surface to help ensure that radiation dose is reproducibly applied in accordance with the cancer treatment plan.
During cancer treatment, patient motion is tracked by AlignRT®. The radiation beam is only activated once the patient is correctly positioned, and the beam is automatically paused if the patient moves.
AlignRT® uses three camera units to monitor thousands of points on the patient's skin.
The system can sense movements in six degrees of freedom -- up and down, forward and back, side to side, plus all rotations.
AlignRT® can also eliminate the need for tattoos or skin marks for certain patients by helping to set-up and monitor positioning with sub-millimeter accuracy.
AlignRT® helps ensure that you are in the intended position, with high accuracy and can reduce imaging dose and your cancer treatment time.
AlignRT® can also be used with less invasive frames or open masks to enhance your comfort while maintaining your safety.
Other patients can benefit too. AlignRT® is used for many other cancer types, including brain, prostate, lung and sarcoma.
We are proud to use this advanced technology to help ensure that you are positioned correctly before and during your radiation treatment, giving you and your cancer treatment radiation team peace of mind.
Find Out If AlignRT® is Right For You
Download our patient discussion guide which provides some key information and questions to ask your healthcare professional, to help you receive the best possible cancer treatment and care.
Contact us today to ask any questions and to set up your first appointment with one of our radiation oncologist at Anchorage Radiation Oncology Center.
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